
This page is a sandbox, in IT a sandbox refers to a controlled isolated environment which can be used for testing and developing. I am creating this sandbox page to showcase additional features that were not initially included, but I am incorporating them now to demonstrate my coding abilities.


Forms are used to gather information through user input. They can be used when registering an account or placing orders and more.
Below are some example of standard uses of forms. The form below aren't gathering the input information, they're just for show.
if you press the submit buttom on the forms it will only refresh the page.

Create Account

Delievery Information

Online Booking

Use of different Media formats

Media refers to multimedia content. Images, videos and audio are forms of multimedia content. This website already incorporates images, so below is video and audio files incorporated into the webpage.

An example of an mp4 file

An example of a linked Youtube video

Use of Hero images

A hero image is usually a banner or striking image that is viewed upon visiting a webpage. I have an example of a hero image below. This is an image with accompanying text.

A hero image with text

The text is seperate to the image file. The text that appears on the image is projected on it using html & css

  • Computer Networks & Systems Management - BSc(Hons) Student

  • Cisco, Networking, Programming, Website Development and More

An interactive hero image with text and buttons

The text and buttons are projected onto the image file

Welcome to my webpage